Is Pescatarian Meal Delivery Right For You?

I’m sure you’ve heard of Keto, Paleo, Vegan, and even the health benefits of eating Low FODMAP.

But, there’s one diet you may not have heard of - the Pescatarian diet.

The Pescatarian diet involves following a Vegetarian diet with one key difference—you eat fish. If you’re one of the many people who choose not to consume meat or chicken, but enjoy eating fish on occasion, then the Pescatarian diet is for you!

So, let’s take a look at the Pescatarian diet, including what it is, what foods you can eat, and the potential benefits of eating Pescatarian.

What is a Pescatarian?

A Pescatarian is generally defined as a person who doesn’t eat meat, but chooses to consume fish. If the term sounds familiar, it’s because the term “Pescatarian” comes from the Italian word “Pesce” which means fish and vegetarian. 

Pescatarians follow a Vegetarian-style diet while allowing themselves to consume fish and other forms of seafood. Although there are several variations from person to person, many Pescatarians also allow themselves to eat fish and certain forms of dairy. 

The Pescatarian diet can be a useful tool for two reasons—you get to experience all the benefits of eating vegetarian, and including fish in one’s diet allows you to experience all the heart healthy aspects of fish.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the health benefits associated with the Pescatarian diet.

Health Benefits of a Pescatarian Diet

Being a Pescatarian has many health benefits derived from eating a plant-based diet, while also consuming heart healthy fish. Now, let’s dive in and take a closer look at all the health benefits associated with a Pescatarian diet.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Plant-based diets have proven to be useful for avoiding certain chronic ailments such as type 2 diabetes.

In a 2009 study performed on over 60,000 people, researchers found that the body mass index (BMI) was lowest in Vegans and Vegetarians. A lower BMI can help protect against obesity and subsequently the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Since a Pescatarian diet is similar to a vegetarian diet, you may be able to experience similar benefits as a by-product.

Another review looked at the benefits associated with consuming omega-3 fatty acids regularly. This research looked at the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and found that they can help provide cardiovascular protection, while also lowering the incidence of heart disease.

Simply adding some fish to your diet can go a long way towards protecting your long-term health!

Controlling Weight

Another study was performed on people following various meat and non-meat diets. Over a 5 year period, Pescatarians gained less weight compared to traditional meat eaters.

So, reducing your consumption of animal products can help you better manage your weight long-term. 

Environmental Impact

You may not be aware of another benefit of the Pescatarian diet - the environmental impact. 

You’re probably wondering—how can eating fish help the environment?

Raising livestock such as beef, chicken, and pork comes with a high environmental cost. According to an impact study performed by the United Nations, raising livestock contributes more than 15% of all human-made carbon emissions.

In fact, farming for livestock is responsible for nearly 574 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States alone. Agricultural emissions from animals causes 42% of the total carbon emissions in the atmosphere. Animals such as cow, buffalo, and pigs release methane and other gases into the environment increasing our environmental impact.

Fish and other forms of seafood on the other hand, have a much lower carbon footprint than raising traditional livestock!

A 2014 study found that people who ate fish caused substantially less greenhouse gas emissions—to the tune of 46%—compared to individuals who ate meat one or more times per day.

Moral Reasons

Many people choose to be Vegetarian due to moral concerns. They choose not to eat meat as they consider it to be inhumane.

Although eating fish appears to be somewhat of a contradiction, some people believe fish are less sentient beings and don’t experience the same sense of feelings as other animals do. 

Fish Contains Protein

One reason people may want to consume fish is its protein content.

Eating a Vegetarian diet can cause a severe lack of protein, and protein is a vital macronutrient needed for building and maintaining muscle.

Eating fish regularly can help ensure your diet contains optimal amounts of protein. If you’re an athlete, a competitor, or someone who just wants a solid physique—making sure you’re getting enough protein is an absolute must!

What Foods Do Pescatarians Eat?

Pescatarians follow a mostly Vegetarian diet consisting of:

  • Whole grains

  • Legumes

  • Beans

  • Nuts

  • Seeds

  • Dairy

  • Fruit 

  • Vegetables

  • Fish

  • Eggs

Pescatarians don’t eat the following foods:

  • Beef

  • Chicken 

  • Pork

  • Lamb

  • Turkey

What Types Of Fish Are Best To Eat?

Are all fish created equal?

While all fish contain omega-3’s, some have more health benefits than others. Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna contain more Omega-3 fatty acids than other forms of fish such as tilapia and cod. 

It doesn’t matter which type of fish you choose to consume, simply pick the one you enjoy most and experience all the benefits it has to offer!

Should You Try a Pescatarian Diet?

The Pescatarian diet provides all the benefits of the Vegetarian diet, while simultaneously upping your protein intake.

In addition, fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids and may help prevent the onset of heart disease.

Furthermore, studies have shown that by eating a Pescatarian diet, you can lower your chances of heart disease and be in more control of your weight!

The question isn’t whether or not you should try to eat Pescatarian, but rather if you have time for it!

Pescatarian Meal Delivery

In today’s busy and fast-paced world, it can take hours to shop, cook, and clean-up. 

Don’t waste your precious time on these mundane tasks - let Taylor Made Cuisine make life easier for you with our Pescatarian meal prep service in Irvine!

If you’re searching for a fast and convenient way to follow the Pescatarian diet, look no further than TMC. We are proud to be one of the few meal prep delivery services that currently offer the Pescatarian diet. 

And ordering is simple! Simply place your custom Pescatarian meal plan order by Friday night, and we will do the rest! We’ll deliver your meals right to your doorstep, and you’ll be wondering why you haven’t thought of this sooner!

Seriously though, this is a complete no-brainer for you! Save your time and energy for more pressing matters, and leave your meal prepping up to us!

And with our Pescatarian meal plan subscriptions, you only have to place your order once, and you’ll receive your meals every Sunday night!

Don’t wait, start your healthy eating journey today with Taylor Made Cuisine meal delivery!

- R

P.S. - Last week we covered the Cyclical Keto Diet and the health benefits of Keto. Did you catch it? If so, let me know what you thought about it in the comments below! Also, be sure to check out 5 easy ways to follow the low FODMAP diet too!


5 Simple Ways to Start the Low FODMAP Diet


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