Clean Kitchen Processes
Hello Friends!
Just me, Taylor, checking in again!The COVID-19 epidemic isn’t showing signs of dying down anytime soon and continues to rapidly evolve, so I just want to keep everyone updated on what’s going on over here as much as possible!
With shelter-in-home mandate being in full effect, we know things have been a bit hairy out there. I have personally seen the nightmare that is the grocery store and its bleak to say the least. Stay positive people, we are here to help!
While the grocery store is certainly low on some items, we have been able to source most of our items from bulk suppliers, maintaining our supply of healthy + organic items. While that means we have had to switch some brands, it also means that we are fully stocked and ready to rock your meals!
We are not suspending any deliveries and are actually extending our delivery window to accommodate the influx of orders. Our new delivery window will be 3:00-9:30pm. While we are not closing shop, we are taking extra precautions to protect our staff and customers:
We always strive for food safety excellence:
Continuing to wear gloves when we prepare and package ready to eat food.
Continuing to wash hands before, consistently during and after shifts.
Continuing to sanitize all work surfaces before, consistently during and after shifts.
Continuing to sanitize all delivery bags before and after use.
Continuing to purchase our ingredients from food safety certified vendors.
We were recognized by the OC department of Health with an Award of Excellence for “consistently maintaining exceptionally high food safety and sanitation” in 2019.
We are probably the only HACCP certified (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) meal delivery company in Southern California as credited by the California Department of Health.
We have continuous temperature monitoring of our cold food storage using DigiSense Temperature Monitoring Controls.
We are educating our employees about the Coronavirus:
To notify us and stay home if they are displaying any flu-like symptoms
We are limiting the number of employees that can be in the building at once and are additionally asking them to keep a healthy distance from each other while here.
We are asking them to quarantine themselves to work and home only. They understand that they need to follow the same guidelines everyone else is being asked to follow in order to do their part. We know that our ability to operate is both a blessing and a responsibility at the same time. Nothing is more important to Mike and I than the health and well-being of our staff and customers.
As more information becomes available, we will be continuing to evolve our response and communicate any changes to our customers!
We are taking extra steps to protect our delivery drivers:
Providing them with hand sanitizer and single use gloves for their cars.
Continuing our policy of no-contact deliveries.
Hiring more drivers to shorten routes so they can minimize their exposure.
This is a scary time! People are out of work, there are shortages, people are afraid to leave the house… We are truly living through history. More now than ever, we feel a sense of duty to stay open and provide this much needed service. We will continue to do so as long as we can! With that being said, we know that a lot of people have been financially affected by this nightmare. If you or anyone you know has fallen on tough times and need assistance, please reach out. The only way we will all get through this is together!
Here are some tips on ordering your meals for the next few weeks:
Please DO NOT wait until last minute to place your orders. Place them early, even when you still have several days of food left. The demand is extremely high, and we are not guaranteeing that orders that come in after the deadline will be fulfilled. For the past two weeks, we have had a waitlist for meals and I don’t see that ending.
STOCK UP if you can. Our proteins and soups arrive frozen and can be kept in the freezer for months. These are healthy, clean, homemade options versus processed frozen products at the grocery store. However, please be courteous of others (ordering more than 10 portions of something is definitely frowned upon) and refrain from buying excessively. We reserve the right to make substitutions on orders if we run low on something to ensure that all of our orders are fulfilled. Of course, if we need to make a substitution, we will contact you first.
READ YOUR EMAILS. More now than ever, I need to remain in contact with you all to let you know what’s going on. To avoid missing any important information, please read what I send you – there will be very little fluff going out during this time.
Finally, if you are experiencing symptoms, please DO NOT return your bags. Keep them until you are cleared. The virus can only live on surfaces for a limited time period, but we are being overly cautious – as we all should be!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns, we are here to help in all ways.
In addition, the TMC team has been hard at work creating new menu items for the website to keep variety alive! We want to make sure that your meals have flavor and diversity – even if you’ve been wearing the same sweatpants for a week 😊
Stay safe out there!
Love Always,
Taylor, Mike and the whole TMC Team