Keep Your Resolutions by Using a Meal Delivery Service

Despite the resolution skeptics, almost half of Americans greet the new year with at least one. Last year, weight loss topped the list for New Year’s resolutions while getting more exercise and eating healthy made the top five. Dedicated resolvers probably checked all three boxes, since it’s hard to lose weight without an improvement in fitness and food. Even harder, evidently, is keeping those resolutions. Fully 80% of those who make a resolution fail within a month. If you doubt that, just follow up your January tour of a packed fitness center with a February stroll. You’ll probably be able to do unhindered pirouettes.

There’s a simple solution. Don’t set broad resolutions. Set goals. It doesn’t matter whether it’s weight loss, fitness, or just feeling better. A healthy meal delivery service in Huntington Beach, Newport beach and across Orange County can help you keep your New Year’s resolution.

Goal-Setting Success

Why bother to change a bad habit just because a page on the calendar changed? Well, since November and December are overstuffed with diet-derailing deserts and gut-busting meals, January is perfect for healthier habits. The secret is specificity. Instead of making a general weight loss resolution, pledge to eat more meals at home. One study showed people who ate more home-cooked meals were also more likely to have normal body fat. Unfortunately, preparing dinner after a long workday feels like a chore. Happy meal delivery customers in Costa Mesa and Corona Del Mar believe one meal delivery service is adept at crafting satisfying cuisine that might taste better than “home cooked.”

Don’t Die-it, Live it

Another great weight loss strategy is to adopt a healthy eating program. These aren’t short-term diets but a way of life. The Paleo diet is built around foods encountered by our ancestors like fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean meat. Eating like a cave person doesn’t mean forgoing 21st century convenience. Taylor Made Cuisine’s paleo meal prep eliminates dairy, gluten, and refined sugars while delivering tons of flavor to satisfied diners in Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa. If low net carbs are your jam, then Taylor Made Cuisine’s keto meal delivery offers grass-fed meats and wild-caught seafood. If your New Year’s resolution is to eat vegetarian, start slowly. Buy a reasonable quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables. Consider ordering vegetarian meals from Taylor Made Cuisine. Giving up animal products like dairy, eggs, and gelatin is even more challenging. A healthy meal delivery service in Costa Mesa provides a range of options. Pre-packaged, processed veggie meals aren’t healthy. Vegan meals from Taylor Made Cuisine get their protein from nuts, seeds, grains and legumes –– not soy.

Simple resolutions are the easiest to keep. Resolve to sit less and walk more. Tell your loved ones to take a hike –– and then join them. Consider leaving the screens at home. Keep electronic devices off the table during meal times. And resolve to give Taylor Made Cuisine a try before you start. Using their healthy meal delivery service in Huntington Beach will make it easier to keep your New Year’s resolutions in the spring, summer and throughout the year.

P.S. If you struggle with IBS or other health conditions that may be positively impacted by following a low FODMAP diet, Taylor Made Cuisine is your solution! Taylor Made Cuisine is the best low FODMAP meal delivery service in Corona del Mar, and it has helped several people maintain a normal life while sticking to a low FODMAP diet.


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